Working With Character Functions..!!!

                                        In this post we will see character strings, take strings apart and put them back together again, and remove selected characters from a string. We can remove classes of characters, such as digits, punctuation marks, or space characters and even we can match between the two characters. Lets see this by some examples.


                                 Using the data set Mixed, we want to the create following new variables:
a. NameLow – Name in lowercase
b. NameProp – Name in proper case
c. NameHard – Name in proper case without using the PROPCASE function

#Data set:

data A15028.A28_mixed;
   input Name & $20. ID;
Daniel Fields  123
Patrice Helms  233
Thomas chien  998
Proc print data=A15028.A28_mixed;


data A15028.A28_mixed1;
set A15028.A28_mixed;
length First Last $ 15 NameHard $ 20;
NameLow = lowcase(Name);
NameProp = propcase(Name);
First = lowcase(scan(Name,1,' '));
Last = lowcase(scan(Name,2,' '));
substr(First,1,1) = upcase(substr(First,1,1));
substr(Last,1,1) = upcase(substr(Last,1,1));
NameHard = catx(' ',First,Last);
drop First Last;


# Learning:

                            In this program we learned two new SAS functions called lowcase and Propcase. Also we used the substr function and how to use them in the SAS program.

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